Quiz Bowl National Qualifiers

Congratulations to Lexi Zydeck '21 who earned her fourth Gold Medal in Senior Free Dance figure skating from the United States Figure Skating Association. She is now a Quadruple Gold Medalist! According to the USFSA, approximately 20 figure skaters pass the Senior Free Dance test each year, representing less than 1% of full membership.

Arym Ward & Family Featured on Detro

New Mercy Associates

Math Teacher Mrs. Vicky Kowalski and Special Academic Programs Specialist Dr. Alison Kline-Kator made their commitment as Mercy Associates last weekend. Vicky and Alison have spent the last year discerning a call from God to actively engage in a commitment to mercy within a formal relationship with the Sisters of Mercy. They join our current Mercy Associates Judi Dennis, Dr. Cheryl Kreger, Colleen McMaster and Sandy Mals.

Congratulations to Greta Gidley who was named an Honoree for Swimming in the Detroit High School Sports Awards!

Congratulations to Charli Atiemo '21 and Julia Bishop '21 who were named Honorees for Volleyball in the Detroit High School Sports Awards!

Congratulations to Sophia Tesic '21 who was named a Finalist in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program!

Over 15,000 of the 16,000 Semifinalists named in September 2020 have met all requirements to advance to Finalist standing in the competition. All Finalists will be considered for National Merit Scholarships to be offered in 2021.

The National Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. Approximately 1.5 million high school students enter the program each year.


Congratulations to Alexa Zydeck '21 who received the Society of Women Engineers Madame Curie Award which recognizes an outstanding female who shows exemplary ability in math and science classes.

Congratulations to Carrington Wash '24 and Mya Williams '21 who were selected as the winners of the Mercy HS 1st Annual MLK Jr. Writing Contest!

Values in action! Mercy joined hearts and hands to help provide food and donations to Metro Detroit senior citizens in need for our annual Focus: HOPE food drive which concluded on January 29, 2021 (postponed due to COVID-19).

We give thanks for our 30+ year partnership with Focus: HOPE and are proud to be one of their largest and most influential donors. Thank you to Mercy students and staff for your generous food and monetary contributions. We are Mercy! We are making a difference!
