A Mercy education may be more affordable than you think! In keeping with our school mission, Mercy is proud to award approximately $1 Million annual in tuition assistance. We would love to have you join the Mercy family.

Financial aid is awarded by the Mercy High School Financial Aid Committee on the basis of financial need as determined by FACTS Management Grant & Aid Assessment (FACTS) and/or special requirements of the named scholarships. The total amount of financial aid distributed each year is based upon the availability of funds and the number of qualified applicants. The average award amount for 2023-24 school year was approximately $5,600.

Family Income Average Award Amount
Up to $50,000 $7,500
$51,000-$100,000 $5,000
$100,000+  $2,000

Incoming Freshman, please complete the FACTS Grant & Aid Application, Mercy application and materials by December 13, 2024 to ensure receipt of award information with acceptance letter in January. Deadline thereafter and for current returning students is March 3, 2025.

  • Submit online application here.

  • Provide all required documents required on the FACTS application.

  • Pay application fee to FACTS.

  • Students are required to submit the Mercy HS Financial Aid Cover Sheet here and a one page essay describing themselves and how they exemplify the Mercy Core Values.

  • Students who have received Financial Aid in the previous year are required to reapply each year. Tuition accounts must be paid in full before consideration will be given for renewal.

  • Students who are awarded financial aid will be required to write a thank you note to the donor.

The Archdiocese of Detroit (AOD) Assistance

The Archdiocese of Detroit, as a result of the Stewards for Tomorrow Fund, will award tuition assistance grants again this year to Catholic families who qualify. See the Archdiocese web page for application and details: Archdiocese grant award notifications are sent to families directly from the Archdiocese Office. The Mercy HS tuition account will be credited accordingly.

Multiple Daughter Discount = $1,000

Families with more than one daughter enrolled at Mercy are eligible for $1,000 off tuition for the second daughter and each daughter after.