Required School Forms collected at Handle Your Business Day:

Print, sign and turn in.

The Mercy Mothers Club cleans and re-sells skirts, blouses, sweaters, quarter-zips and will be hosting the Used Uniform Sale.
Wednesday, August 5
12:00PM - 3:00PM
5:00PM - 7:00PM 
Cash or Check Only

Sale Items and Suggested Pricing

Although a little delayed, due to technical issues, Online Printable Report Cards are now available on PowerSchool.

Mercy High School Class of 2015
Commencement Photos Available Online!
Dear Mercy Bus Riders,
Mercy is pleased to announce that we are now partnering with Mari Transportation. This allows us to add a third route, and the possibility of more routes in the future! Busing services will still be arranged through Mercy, according to the following time schedule:

Mercy High School has partnered with gphomestay, an educational services company that provides quality homestays for international students attending American high schools. Several students are in the program this year and several more are expected to arrive in the fall. Short and long term hosting opportunities are available. Students typically study in the United States with the intention of graduating from an American high school and continuing onto an American college or university.

Below is an email sent to the classes of 2016 and 2017 :

For all Mercy students who purchased their iPads in the summer of 2013 (mainly the class of 2017), the AppleCare + warranty that you originally purchased as part of the Mercy iPad Package is set to expire this summer. If you also purchased the Safeware extended warranty that too will be expiring this summer. Since Apple does not offer an extension for the AppleCare + warranty, we have researched and selected a set of best options.  Listed below are your warranty/service choices:

Journey to Ireland with Mercy!


UNIFORMS 2015 - 2016

Attention Alums!

Mercy High School is pleased to partner with Harris Connect LLC to publish the 2015 Mercy Alumnae Directory. This effort will help Mercy better communicate with our alumnae and will help alumnae stay in touch with one another.

We invite all alumnae to share in the excitement of our 70th Anniversary and Grand Reunion Weekend September 25-28, 2015. Therefore, updating your contact information is of utmost importance.
