In Loving Memory of Sr. Mary Camille Kelley
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sister Mary Camille Kelley '49 who passed away late Sunday evening, April 18, 2021. Sister Camille was the first registered student of Mercy High School, Mercy Principal (1969-1978), Board of Trustee (2005-2011) and donor.
In-Person Instruction Update & Remote Learning Attendance Policy
Effective Monday, April 19, 2021
April 16, 2021
Dear Mercy Parent/Guardian,
"Preparing New Drivers for the Road Ahead"

ThinkFirst for Parents of Teen Drivers is a virtual 75-minute evidence-based traffic safety program to educate parents on Michigan's GDL law. For more information and to register for a Zoom presentation, click here.

PreACT for Sophomores - Wednesday, April 21 at Mercy
Sophomores received the following information in regard to the PreACT test at Mercy Wednesday, April 21. If registered Sophomores have any questions, please see their respective Counselor.
April/May Counseling Newsletter
Read the latest issue of Counseling Good News for April & May here. Features include Note to Self; Ways to Increase Positive Emotions; Peer2Peer; Wellness Wednesday Webinars; College Corner; College Scholarships & Financial Aid; Discernment; Internet Spots to Life your Spirits.

Important School Update

Online Learning April 13 - 15, 2021

April 9, 2021

Dear Mercy Parent/Guardian,

Michigan COVID-19 infection rates are surging and we are concerned about the possibility of community spread given student and staff travels as well as gatherings over Easter break. This morning Governor Whitmer, in partnership with the MDHHS, urged Michigan high schools to voluntarily “pause” in-person instruction for two weeks following spring break. Our plan follows.

Pesticide Application Notification
Thursday, April 1, 2021
In compliance with MCL324.8316, this is to notify all staff, students, parents/guardians that pesticides are scheduled to be applied on the Mercy HS grounds Thursday, April 1, 2021.
The following individual is responsible for pesticide application procedures:
Name: Clifford D. Finney, 248-893-3553,
The Financial Aid application process is now underway at Mercy High School. In order to be considered for financial aid for the 2021-2022 school year, you must complete and submit the application requirements by the April 30, 2021 deadline.
2021 Special Edition Virtual Tea for Tuition
