The Mercy Link Crew Team
We are changing the world, one Freshwoman at a time!

What is Link Crew?

Link Crew is a research based, Transition and Orientation program, created by The Boomerang Project. Link Crew is offered at High Schools across the country, many in Michigan. Link Leaders are partnered up and assigned a Crew of Freshwomen to get to know and befriend. Link Leaders are the principal piece to our Freshwoman Welcome Day orientation, welcoming our new students and conducting activities that lead to helpful discussion about succeeding in high school.

After Freshwoman Welcome Day, Link Leaders continue to contact their Crew members, help teach our 9th graders about Mercy culture, and host social events. The relationships between Crews continue throughout the entire school year. The overall goal of Mercy Link Crew is to establish awareness and social safety for our 9th graders, by challenging a small group of older students to be kind, compassionate leaders. The program reduces the anxiety of coming to high school by increasing engagement between students.

Staff Lead Coordinator: Sara McGavin
Staff Co Coordinators: Christin Schmitt and Andrea Kowalyk
2023-24 Mercy Link Leaders
Izzy Ahme
JJ Akabuo
Aniyah Baker
Sophia Bishop
Carly Dalloo
Lily DeGrenier
Grace Eliya
Elena Garza
Maggie Geraghty
Bella Heston
Julia Holt
Erin Ikwechegh
Sage Johnson
Jess Koehler
Annabel Kristensen
Lena LaJoy
Maddie Linton
Anika Lopes
Jenna Matigian
Sydney Meyer
Ev Miller
Tess O’Donnell
Maya Ramjattan
Jada Roberts
Micah Rogers
Inayah Rouf
Morgan Sarafa
Abby Slankster
Savannah Sneyd
Natia Szuba
Zoé Vlahadamis
Megan Windham