Art Course Offerings

While the art curriculum provides a program designed for the college-bound art major, it also remains flexible to meet the elective needs of all students. Most classes are open to 9-12th grades. All classes are semester classes except AP Art classes. Classes focus on studio art production. Lessons in art history, art criticism, aesthetics, art careers, studio etiquette, and technology are also integrated. Mercy High School honors the State of Michigan requirement of two semesters of visual, performing, or applied art classes.

Please click here or visit the Mercy HS Course Guide webpage here for complete course details and comprehensive art curriculum information.

Art Classes with No Prerequisite

The following classes have no prerequisite and may be elected 9th - 12th grades.

  • Drawing
  • Ceramics
  • Fibers
  • Jewelry
  • Sculpture
  • Painting
  • Printmaking
  • Digital Graphics
  • Film and Animation
  • Photography

Art Classes with Prerequisites

The following classes have prerequisites and are generally elected 10 - 12th grade.

  • Intermediate Painting
  • Intermediate Photography
  • Intermediate Drawing
  • Intermediate Ceramics
  • Intermediate Fibers
  • Intermediate Jewelry
  • AP 2-D Art & Design
  • AP 3-D Art & Design
  • AP Drawing
  • Portfolio Development For College Admission, College Scholarship, and Advanced Placement Art & Design Exams

If you have questions, please contact, Ms. Susan Smith, Art Department Chairperson, at

Art Student Testimonials

Throughout this class, I have gained a greater appreciation for art. I thought art was all painting and drawing, but I have learned it is more than that and now I notice art wherever I go. Olivia Collins

We did so many things I would not have considered art.... My knowledge and skills have increased tremendously, involving the computer. Miranda Konja

Creativity and innovation were incorporated throughout the entire class. Each project we worked on was based off our creativity and innovation. I don’t feel like any of my art pieces are boring because I was able to add my ideas into them. Chelsea Edwards

I have learned that there is so much more to art than just slapping some paint down or scribbling. I have learned that concentration, determination in the face of frustration, and following the design processes and your inner artistic inclinations are all part of being an artist and creating something amazing. Alana Sullivan