End of Semester Info for Mercy Families
Class of 2020:
End of Semester Info for Mercy Families
Class of 2020:
We miss our Mercy Marlins and look forward to the day when we are togther again at school. The Counseling Office has hosted some informational webinars to provide additional support for our parents and students.
All are posted on our web site here:
To commemorate the Class of 2020 on their last day of school, Mercy hosted a socially distant Senior Send Off parade of senior family cars on Friday, May 8. It was such a special, memorable evening filled with Mercy love and sisterhood. Thank you to the Sisters of Mercy and Farmington Hills Police for helping to cheer on our graduates.
Dear Mercy Family,
At every opportunity we let our students know how much we miss them. These incredible young women are the reason we are committed to offering so many experiences through our E-LEARNING program. We continue to learn, guide, pray, share ideas and laugh with students. During this time, we miss you - our Mercy families - as well! We prayerfully look forward to the time when we can once again personally connect.
Wake up, Mercy! Check out these student video announcements by the Student Government Executive Board. We miss you and hope you are all well!
2020-2021 Executive Board
2019-2020 Executive Board
Please enjoy some Mercy Ministry Minute reflections from members of our Mercy Community to keep us grounded in Spirit. If you are interested in making your own Ministry Minute to share, please email Campus Minister Curt Klueg at cklueg@mhsmi.org.
Curt Klueg (1)
Judi Dennis (1)
Important Message Regarding MDE Online Learning & AOD Letter Dear Mercy Students & Parents, |
ACT Test Canceled April 4
Be advised there will not be an ACT Test hosted at Mercy High School on Saturday, April 4. Students should login to their ACT account and/or contact ACT in regard to moving your test registration to another date.
Please be patient during this time, the ACT organization is overwhelmed too.