Dean of Student Affairs Update & Open Position 2024-25
Many of you may have already heard that our beloved Dean of Student Affairs, Mrs. Eleasha Mercer Tarplin ‘94, will be leaving Mercy High School at the end of this school year. Eleasha and her husband Darryl are relocating to Alabama to begin their next life adventure together!
Educating Girls Podcast Resource
The International Coalition of Girls’ Schools is proud to present The Connected Girl, a compelling six-episode On Educating Girls podcast series that offers expert insights into important aspects of girls’ healthy development in a world that can often feel disjointed.
New Date for 2024 Baccalaureate Mass
Attention Senior Families!
Please save the new date for the Baccalaureate Mass & Reception on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00pm in the Mercy Auditorium.
Born in Detroit Mercy Pop-Up Shop
Get your exclusive, limited edition release of Mercy Born in Detroit gear online here. Hurry, pop-up shop closes on Sunday, March 17! Proceeds benefit tuition assistance.
2024 Sacrament of Reconciliation
Lent Penance Service at Mercy
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 12. You can stop by to receive this sacrament anytime from 7:30am - 3:30pm in our Mercy chapel.
Lenten Taize Prayer Service with U of D Campus Ministry
Student ministry leaders from Mercy and U of D Jesuit are hard at work planning a Lenten Taize Prayer Service. Our entire Mercy community is invited to attend.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm
U of D Jesuit High School
$10/person includes soup and donation to Pope Francis Center
Bibles & Bagels Session 2
We are excited to have our second Bibles and Bagels meeting next Tuesday morning, March 12th at 7:15am before school. This is a faith sharing group that is completely student led. Please join us to learn more about the Bible and find community... and eat some bagels!