Please reference pertinent information listed below in regards to dates, transportation, books, yearbook and uniforms. More updates and information will be posted and communicated later in the summer.
Looking Ahead to 2016-2017 School Year
Thursday, August 18, 2016 - iPad Orientation for all Freshwomen and Transfer Students. The Transfer Student Orientation will also be held this day. This day is mandatory for all freshmen and transfer students.
Friday, August 19, 2016 - Freshwomen Orientation with Link Crew and Marlin Business Day. Students will turn-in emergency verification and health forms, take school and ID photos, get parking passes, and order yearbooks. More details to come. Mandatory for all students.
Monday, August 22, 2016 - Opening School Mass and Classes will begin for all grade levels. New Parent Orientation in the Auditorium, 6-7:30 p.m.
Friday, August 26th during 1st hour - Senior College Information Meeting
Friday, September 2 - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 8 - Parent Night, 6:30-9 p.m.
Thursday, September 22 to Friday, September 30 - Spirit Week
- Make a Difference Day: Friday, September 23, this is mandatory for all students
- Homecoming Dance: Sunday, September 25, 7-10 p.m.
- Mercy Day Mass: Tuesday, September 27
Further details about the full 2016-2017 school calendar will be shared and posted on the Mercy web site as information and dates are finalized.
Transportation 2016-2017
Please review the 2016-17 Mercy Transportation information and required forms now available on
Forms to Return
Please note these important dates:
July 11 - Due date for bus requests. Please return the completed form to Mercy with your non-refundable deposit. Deposits will be returned only to those families requesting stops that we are unable to accommodate. If you do not send the deposit, your application for transportation will not be processed. A minimum of 10 riders, registered by July 11, is needed in order to maintain the current routes or establish new routes.
July 15 - Contact will be made with individuals whose Bus Stop Request is deemed impossible. If you do not hear from the transportation department by this date, you will receive a bus route in August.
August 1 - Finalized Bus Routes e-mailed with Bus Rules. Bus Passes will be distributed by drivers in exchange for completed Bus Rule signature sheet.
Uniform Info
Mothers Club Used Uniform Donations Needed
The Mercy Mothers Club cleans and re-sells skirts, blouses, sweaters, quarter-zips and will be hosting their annual Used Uniform Sale on Friday, August 19th. More Used Uniform Sale day information coming soon.
Please bring your gently used uniform donations to the Mercy Reception Area by June 15th. Any questions, please email Laponda Davis, Trisha Martin, or Lisa Flynn.
2016 - 2017 School Year New Uniform Ordering Information
Mercy uses Educational Outfitters in Farmington as our exclusive uniform vendor. Uniforms may be purchased in the store as well as online here:
All are encouraged to go to the store for fitting and ordering.
Class of 2020 - blue / maroon plaid skirt, maroon quarter-zip and sweater
Class of 2019 - blue / green plaid skirt, navy blue quarter-zip and sweater
Class of 2018 - solid gray skirt, white quarter-zip and gray sweater
Class of 2017 - solid black skirt, black quarter-zip and sweater
Students will have the option to wear either a blouse or a polo, both come in long or short sleeve. Kilts, blouses, polos, and sweaters must be purchased from Educational Outfitters. Click here for more information. Quarter-zips must be purchased from the Marlin Shop.
Educational Outfitters
23317 Orchard Lake Road
Farmington, MI 48336
Yearbook Info
CLASS of 2017 Portraits - Seniors must have their yearbook photo taken at Prestige Portraits to be pictured in the yearbook and the class composite. Parents should have received a mailing from Prestige with special offers. If you did not receive the letter, please contact your local Prestige location for information. Seniors must be photographed by August 27th.
YEARBOOK ADS - It's not too early to start planning your parent ad. Ads will be due November 11th and all materials must be turned in with payment. Ad order forms will be available in August.
2017 YEARBOOKS - Mark your calendars now! Guarantee your daughter's copy by ordering the yearbook early and save money as well. Staff will be taking orders on August 19th for $60. Online purchasing via will soon be available. Yearbook prices will increase to $70 after August 19th.
Book Purchasing and Selling
All the information you need to make your daughter's book purchases, including any digital options, will be reflected on the Mercy Master Book List (MMBL), which will be posted as a live link later this summer here: Books will be available through Follett's Virtual Bookstore beginning August 2nd.
There is also buy back instructions for any parents or students interested in selling their used books online, go to FVB, scroll down and click on Sell Books. Follett's Book Buyback program is easy to use, providing free shipping.