Mission Statement

The Mercy Dads' Club is focused on fostering positive relationships with our daughters and sponsoring events to promote the school, service, charity and their development into successful women. Thanks to Athletic Director and Dads' Club Liaison Brandon Malinowski for his support and guidance!

Goals and Objectives

  • Invite, participate and flourish relationships within the Dad community of Mercy.
  • Share in the time our daughter has at Mercy; academically, spiritually, emotionally and in their participation in clubs and organizations.
  • Support the entire community of Mercy with leadership, strength, presence, spirituality and financial responsibility.


All fathers or male guardians of enrolled Mercy High School students are automatically members.



Board Members Needed 2024-25 School Year

The Dads' Club is looking for dads to volunteer to be part of the Mercy Dads' Club Executive Board. Key positions that are open include Treasurer, Secretary, Membership and two At-Large positions. This is an opportunity to help support the club and to be a part of the team that will make your daughter's time at Mercy the best it can be. If you are interested in being on the board or may need some additional information, send an email to mercydadsclub@mhsmi.org or contact Mark Lebednick at 248-722-1313.

Officers are elected each year at the May meeting and include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Chairpersons of the major committees are included with the Club officers in forming the Executive Board of the Dads' Club. The Executive Board is responsible for setting each month’s general meeting agenda and in carrying out the smooth operation of the Dads' Club.

In addition to the Executive Board there are a number of dads that work on family and father/daughter activities that are scheduled throughout the year. The Executive Board is excited for the coming year and hopes to see all dads joins in whatever capacity suits you.
  • 1) Funding Raising:
    • a) Raising funds to benefit the school and students
    • b) Submitting requests for donations to the Executive Board
  • 2) Communications:
    • a) Maintenance of the Dads' Club Web site
    • b) Communication between Executive board and the Dads' Club membership
  • 3) Membership:
    • a) Increase participation among membership
    • b) Run elections
    • c) Maintain exposure throughout MHS functions
  • 4) Social Activities:
    • a) Institute and manage father-daughter activities throughout the year
  • 5) Support Services:
    • a) Provide volunteers to support various MHS functions.
